The UW LLC supports the Department of Asian Languages and Literature for placement and proficiency test. The languages supported for testing currently include those listed below.
Do I need a placement or proficiency test?
Placement tests are available to currently admitted and enrolled UW students who intend to study a language at the UW and need to find the level of course to register for.
Proficiency tests are available to currently admitted and enrolled UW students and measure one’s ability in a language and are used to satisfy or waive language requirements. Proficiency tests are NOT used to determine what level of language course you should be taking. NO CREDITS are awarded for taking these tests.
Reporting, Policies and Questions
Please read carefully and thoroughly
Both placement and proficiency tests are only available to currently admitted and enrolled students at the University of Washington. The Department of Asian Languages & Literature does not offer these tests to those outside UW (e.g., high-school students seeking admission, prospective students, extension students, etc.), nor does it offer testing in languages not in their curriculum.
For scores to be reported in the quarter when you take the test, you should complete the test before the 5th week of that quarter. If you take the test after the 5th week, the scores may not be reported until the following quarter.
* In-person proctoring during summer quarter may be limited.
Read the information above about the difference between ‘placement’ and ‘proficiency’ tests, as well as detailed information for your specific language below. If you still have questions, contact the appropriate AL&L language program coordinator.
If it is a placement test proctored by an AL&L program, contact the appropriate AL&L language program coordinator.
If it is a test not proctored by an AL&L program, please see the language test section below for more information about the specific test for that language.
You will need to bring a valid form of ID (e.g., student ID, drivers license, or passport).
Yes. Registration for language placement / proficiency tests currently incurs a registration fee, payable online by credit or debit card. The UW does not collect any fees. Unfortunately, the UW is unable to provide fee waivers or needs-based financial assistance to cover this fee at the present time.
Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship language assessments require a one-on-one evaluation with the instructor of the applicant’s language class. Applicants should directly contact their instructor to arrange the assessment.
Other individual language assessments for students outside our program (for example, for Fulbright programs) should be arranged with the coordinator for the specific language program (e.g., contact the Japanese program coordinator for a Japanese language assessment).
If you took a placement test
a) If your placement test was conducted by the language program directly (e.g., a questionnaire and interview with an instructor)
Contact the language program directly to be placed in the proper course.
b) If you took an ‘Avant’ test (e.g., STAMP or Place) for your placement test
Each test takes approximately 10 days to grade all sections. After the 10 days have passed, contact the language program directly to be placed in the proper course.
N.B.: Students should contact the respective language program only after 10 days have passed since test completion. This is to ensure that grading has been completed by Avant’s graders for all test sections, which takes time. Information on placement or proficiency cannot be provided until all sections have been scored, no matter how time-sensitive a student’s registration needs are.
Students are strongly urged to plan ahead for the time needed for grading and results reporting when testing for registration or graduation purposes.
If you took a proficiency test
Please complete the post-test form after you have completed your test as we do not receive notifications from the testing company.
If your results were sufficient to satisfy the degree requirements (at least Intermediate-Low), we will notify the registrar and your transcript will be updated to reflect this. The results are expected to take at least 3-4 weeks before they are reflected on your transcript. You will not be notified if your results were sufficient.
If you would like to request your results, you may email us at Please note that some language programs do not permit us to share detailed results with students.
If your results were not sufficient to satisfy the degree requirements, we will notify you via your UW email. Depending on the language program’s policy, you may be able to retake the test at a later date. You will need to resubmit a pre-registration form and repurchase the test. If you would rather be placed into a language class, please contact the respective language coordinator.
You will not have direct access to your scores (e.g., through a portal or website). If you would like to request your results, you may email us at
Please note that some language programs do not permit us to share detailed results with students.
Placement tests and proficiency tests to satisfy language requirements can be taken up to two times, and each attempt must be taken in different quarters.
In general, we do not typically conduct testing for an admissions deficiency because we cannot guarantee that the test (and its results) will be recognized by admissions.
If you would like to take a proficiency test to remove an admissions deficiency, please provide an email from both your advisor and admissions with confirmation that they are willing to accept results from a test that we proctor and we will follow-up with you on next steps.
The University of Washington is committed to providing access, equal opportunity and reasonable accommodation in its services, programs, activities, education and employment for individuals with disabilities. If you are a student with a documented disability and need to request disability accommodation(s) for your interview, please contact the Disability Services Office at least ten days in advance of your scheduled interview date at: 206.543.6450/V, 206.543.6452/TTY, 206.685.7264 (FAX), or e-mail at
If you are taking a test with Avant, contact:
If you are taking a test through the UW LLC, contact:
Register for a test
Learn more about Bengali language courses and answers to frequently asked questions.
Register for the Bengali Language Placement or Proficiency Test
Placement Notes
- For registered UW students to place into a higher level of Bengali course (placement test) they must participate in the Bengali Language Proficiency Interview and Essay. This interview requires student to speak with the instructor of the Bengali language courses and write an essay. For registered UW students the interview will take place in-person. For students outside of UW, this interview will be conducted over the phone and the essay emailed to the Bengali language instructor.
- Steps to register for the Bengali Language Proficiency Interview and Essay:
- Full Name
- Student ID #
- UW e-mail address
- Send an email to the Bengali language instructor Binata Chowdhuri with your:
Proficiency Notes
- For registered UW students to waive the one-year UW foreign language exit requirement (proficiency test) they must participate in the Bengali Language Proficiency Interview and Essay. This interview requires student to speak with the instructor of the Bengali language courses and write an essay. For registered UW students the interview will take place in-person. For students outside of UW, this interview will be conducted over the phone and the essay emailed to the Bengali language instructor.
- Steps to register for the Bengali Language Proficiency Interview and Essay:
- Full Name
- Student ID #
- UW e-mail address
- Send an email to the Bengali language instructor Binata Chowdhuri with your:
Learn more about Chinese language courses and answers to frequently asked questions.
Register for the Chinese Language Placement Test
Register for the Chinese Language Proficiency Test
Placement Notes
- If you wish to take classical Chinese you do NOT need to fill out the questionnaire.
- Please take note of the message displayed on the page after you have submitted your questionnaire.
- We regret that non-matriculated students will not be considered for modern Chinese language classes at the first – through third-year level, with the exception of summer courses.
Proficiency Notes
- Students who wish to use an exam result to be placed out of Chinese language classes in order to waive university requirements (for example, the one-year exit language requirement of the College of Arts & Sciences) must take the AVANT PLACEMENT test.
- The test can be either taken remotely or proctored in person at the UW Language Learning Center in Denny Hall.
- There are two versions of this test: one using traditional characters and one using simplified characters. You must use the correct link below to register. You cannot change your character selection after registering.
- We do not offer the exam to prospective UW students or non-UW students.
- You must use your UW email address and UW student ID when you register for the test. Otherwise, it’s difficult for us to receive and process your score.
- You should only take this test if you are NOT planning to take Chinese classes at UW. If you want to enroll in Chinese classes at UW, please follow the instructions listed above, under ‘Placement Interview.’
- The following AVANT scores are required to be placed out of first, second and third year courses, respectively:
- First year Chinese: 3
- Second year Chinese: 5
- Third year Chinese: 6 and up.
Learn more about Hindi language courses and answers to frequently asked questions.
Register for the Hindi Language Placement or Proficiency Test
Placement Notes
- Placement to Intermediate Hindi requires completion of Elementary Hindi or the equivalent of one year of study of Hindi at the university level.
- Similarly, Advanced Hindi requires completion of Intermediate Hindi or the equivalent of two years of study of Hindi at the university level.
- If you feel you satisfy these requirements and would like an add code to register for either Intermediate or Advanced Hindi, please email Amruta Chandekar to arrange for an informal interview & testing to determine optimal placement. No preparation is required.
Proficiency Notes
- More information about the test be found on this page (Avant STAMP-4S). You may also take a sample test here.
Learn more about Indonesian language courses and answers to frequently asked questions.
Register for the Indonesian Language Placement or Proficiency Test
Placement Notes
- Full Name
- Student ID #
- UW e-mail address
Proficiency Notes
- More information about the test be found on this page (ALTA Language Testing).
Learn more and then sign up for the Japanese Language Placement Test
If you have any questions please contact the Japanese Language Program.
Learn more about Korean language courses and answers to frequently asked questions.
Register for the Korean Language Placement or Proficiency Test
Proficiency Notes
- More information about the test be found on this page (Avant STAMP-4S). You may also take a sample test here.
- For JSIS, linguistics, or other major requirements: If you wish to prove proficiency at the 2nd-year level or higher, you may also take the above test.
Learn more about Sanskrit language courses and answers to frequently asked questions.
Register for the Sanskrit Language Placement Test
Placement Notes
- For registered UW students interested in the Sanskrit language and would like to start or continue their studies, complete the registration form above and then send an email to the Sanskrit language professor Joseph Marino with your:
- Full Name
- Student ID #
- UW e-mail address
Learn more about Urdu language courses and answers to frequently asked questions.
Register for the Urdu Language Placement or Proficiency Test
Placement Notes
- If you want to take the Urdu placement exam in order to waive the one-year UW foreign language requirement, please email Professor Jameel Ahmad in order to arrange a time for the exam. If you have any questions about the content of the exam, please email him.
- Full Name
- Student ID #
- UW e-mail address
Proficiency Notes
- If you want to take the Urdu proficiency exam in order to waive the one-year UW foreign language requirement, please register to take the language proficiency exam.
Learn more about Vietnamese language courses and answers to frequently asked questions.
Register for the Vietnamese Language Placement or Proficiency Test
Placement Notes
- Please fill out the questionnaire located in the registration form.
- After submitting the questionnaire, you will be contacted via email by one of AL&L instructors with further instructions.
Proficiency Notes
- More information about the test be found on this page (Avant STAMP-WS). You may also take a sample test here.
- The proficiency test is currently being offered remotely and the cost is $39.90, payable when you register. Please keep in mind that you must register for this exam using your UW email address.
- The Vietnamese Proficiency Exam is provided by AVANT. Once you have registered and paid for the proficiency test, AVANT will send you further instructions regarding proctoring and you can schedule the test. Since you will be testing remotely, you are responsible for ensuring the readiness of the computer you will be using for the test.