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Services and Resources for Instructors:

Reserve Electronic Classrooms  for language study and cultural activities, listen to audio recordings, watch videos and satellite TV programs. Please contact your departmental Staff Associate for training on how to use our equipment.

The LLC hosts some audio and video series for language learning available to UW NETID holders (e.g., students, staff and faculty). We make these series available in a number of ways. Most of our audio series have been placed on the web for listening by UW students.

The general resources available here were created and owned by the UW. For any resources that aren’t owned by the UW, explicit permission was granted by the publisher for them to be made accessible to UW NETID holders. The LLC does not sell or distribute texts to accompany these language resources. Those who purchase or listen to resources usually already have the printed material or intend to obtain it somewhere else.

The LLC hosts additional media that has other agreements with publishers and licenses which require more restrictive access. If you believe that you need to access a resource that isn’t available for general NETID access, you will need to communicate with your language instructor directly. Most non-general resources are only available for a certain period of time, for a limited number of students, and in a particular format.

Access General Resources

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The LLC provides no cost web development for certain projects for language instructors. For example, we might be able to assist with the creation and maintenance of a project website, individual faculty webpages, or even some language related applications. Due to limited resources, the number of projects and the scope of the projects that we are able to take on is limited, but please reach out to us at with information about your project and we can discuss options.

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In some cases the LLC can support students interested in creating their own digital tools, educational video or audio as long as the project remains open source and is for language learning or research. Support will be based on the schedules and availability of LLC staff. Please contact us for more information.

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Do you have a unique question or challenge related to technology and language teaching/learning, as well as language & culture adjecent projects? If so, please contact us to begin a conversation about how we might be able to help.

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The LLC provides no-cost video or audio production services for projects that fall under the center’s mission of supporting language-related or language-adjacent education and research. The LLC has a dedicated recording studio with video and audio recording equipment. LLC staff must be present during all recording sessions and will operate the equipment. We also can provide some post-production (e.g., editing) services for certain projects if time is available. Community projects aimed at preserving endangered languages are highly encouraged, other language projects directly related to the UW community are also welcome. The availability of LLC support for multimedia production projects access is determined on a first come first serve basis, and is dependent upon LLC resources and the scope of the project.

For examples of Multimedia Production projects, view our Video Portfolio.

Example of projectes include:

  • supplementary videos for online courses
  • promotional videos for language classes and research projects
  • short or longer form documentary videos
  • Podcasts
  • high quality audio recordings for linguistic analysis.

Studio Features:

  • Green screen, black curtain, or white background.
  • Dedicated professional lighting system.
  • 4k video recording.
  • Up to 4 different speakers recorded at the same time with high quality microphones.
  • Teleprompter
  • Post-production software
  • And more…

Please contact the LLC SA’s for more information about our video and audio recording services.

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The LLC provides a service for securely streaming your audio and video materials for students to use at the UW. We can convert VHS, DVD, CDs and many other materials. Complete this Streaming Media Request Form and contact your department’s Staff Associate .

We can either pick up your materials or you can drop them off in Denny Hall 162 during our normal office hours (9am-5pm M-F). Or, send them through campus mail to: Box 353140

  • Please note that there is limited space on the streaming media server and we may not be able to host all of your materials depending on the amount and the size.
  • Please give us at least 7 working days to prepare your resources. If it is during a particularly busy period (e.g., the beginning of the quarter), even more time would be appreciated.

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The LLC can assist with the conversion of deprecated media to standard modern computer file formats. We also support conversion between U.S. and international formats. Please contact our Staff Associate for details. We retain a collection of older media devices to transfer media.

Example Video Media:

  • VHS
  • VHSC
  • Betamax
  • Hi8
  • DVD
  • Blu Ray

Example Audio Media:

  • Cassette
  • Reel to Reel
  • Microcassette
  • Minicassette

If your format is not listed above, please reach out to us as we might have it or might be able to procure the necessary equipment.

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The LLC provides language proficiency testing and proctoring services. UW Language Learning Center is working with the College of Arts & Sciences Dean’s Office to offer UW students an opportunity to satisfy the College of Arts & Sciences and the School of Social Work language exit requirement through proficiency testing.

The LLC provides technical (e.g., video editing, HTML) and pedagogical training for language instructors. Please reach out to us if you are interested in scheduling a workshop.

We offer two quarterly professional development events each quarter:

UW Language Pedagogy Circle

Language Educator Summits

Also, the UW, UW Outreach, and other organizations offer instructor development opportunities. Check back here periodically for new links to help you continue to develop your pedagogical skills and provide an effective classroom environment.

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