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Career Opportunities for Language Students (ALC Bridge)
Career Opportunities for Language Students (ALC Bridge)

Are you interested in learning more about career opportunities for language students or students who are proficient in multiple languages?

Representatives from ALC Bridge will discuss exciting careers related to interpretation, translation, video game localization, and more.

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Welcome to the Language Learning Center

The Language Learning Center promotes language learning, teaching, and research across the University of Washington and through outreach initiatives.

Services we provide, include but are not limited to, labs and classrooms for language learning and proficiency testing, professional development for language instructors, special programs and events for students, language learning applications, applied linguistic research projects and support, multimedia resource production for language departments, media conversion for language instructors, and much more.

The Language Learning Center is also involved in community outreach and supports community archival projects, such as the preservation of indigenous languages and special programs for high school students and professional development workshops for K-16 language instructors. See our news and project pages linked below for more information about recent endeavors, and our events page for upcoming workshops, lectures and meetings.




Language Testing

Language Testing Icon

Language Testing

Media Conversion

Media Conversion Ico

Media Conversion

Language Exchange

Media Conversion Ico

Language Exchange


Recording Studio

The LLC has a recording studio available for use by instructors and students for the purposes of language learning and language material creation. The studio is equipped with microphones and software for high-quality audio recording. We welcome instructors and students to schedule appointments with us to use the recording studio. Click the link to learn more about media production at the LLC.

Recording Studio

Computer Classroom

We have three computer classrooms: two are formal classroom for instructors, and the other is a study room for all students.

Classrooms and Facilites

Video Production

The LLC recording studio also has various high-quality cameras and microphones available for instructors and students for language learning or language material creation. Here are some examples of past promotional material the LLC has created as well as some language-learning material. Please feel free to schedule with us if you have any great ideas!

Media Production