The UW LLC English Conversation Practice Hours are currently held during winter quarter once per week. All members of the UW community are encouraged to attend:
- Undergraduate Students
- Graduate Students
- Staff and Faculty
The hours will be facilitated by a TESOL-certified English instructor. Students will practice in small groups with an L1 (’native’) English speaker to help guide the discussions and practice activities.
There is a cap of 20 people for each hour, on a first-come, first-served basis. If all slots are filled for the next session, please add your name to the waitlist. If a slot opens up, we will let you know. It is also helpful for us to know how many people are interested in participating.
The registration form also has an option to provide ideas and requests for specific topics or conversation skills that you would like to practice. We will do our best to accommodate the diverse interests of the attendees.
This is a great opportunity to connect, learn, and grow within our diverse language-learning community. We recognize that although there are reasons to develop English language competencies, the many languages and dialects spoken by our community are of vital importance as well. The goal for these sessions will be to help improve communication skills and comfort when speaking, but not to pressure individuals into adopting a “standard” form of English. All varieties of English are valued! We all ‘make mistakes’ when speaking, including L1 speakers of English. Mistakes are necessary for learning. This is a judgment free community and everyone should feel comfortable regardless of their proficiency levels.
Winter Quarter 2025 Schedule
(January 6th – March 24th)
Wednesdays 3:30-4:30
Denny Hall 159
UW Language Learning Center services and events are intended to be inclusive and accessible. If you have a need or concern please contact us as soon as possible. For accommodation requests connected to a disability or health condition contact us:
The UW LLC is proud to partner with the UW Center for International Relations & Cultural Leadership Exchange (Circle) for these conversation practice sessions.